50% off PetroEd’s IADC RigPass and WellSharp Certificate Courses—February only

RigPass Certificate Program

Original price was: $149.00.Current price is: $75.00.

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IADC RigPass is an internationally recognized safety certifications for oilfield personnel.

IADC WellSharp Introductory Level

Original price was: $330.00.Current price is: $165.00.

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IADC WellSharp Introductory Level is the leading certificate course for workers requiring a basic overview of well control.

PetroEd® is a trusted provider of online education solutions and certifications for the oilfield, and our course library delivers engaging content that resonates with the visual learning styles of today’s worker.

Leading Oilfield Online Education

Looking for other petroleum industry courses? Here’s just a few of our most popular titles, or click here to browse our entire library.

Well Control Primer

Well Control Fundamentals

Oilwell Drilling

Wireline Course

H2s Safety In Production Operations

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A trusted provider of oilfield training and certifications for over 30 years

PetroEd® offers a wide range of multimedia technical education solutions for the oil and natural gas industry. Our expanding eLearning library presents complex technical processes using the latest technology and instructional techniques, delivering engaging content that resonates with the visual learning styles of today’s oil & gas workforce. We provide a multilingual user interface that can accommodate many languages.

Did you know? Oil industry jobs typically pay 40% above the median as compared with other professions.

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