PetroEd in Academia

Open Petroleum Education Network
Impact & Inspire
The oil and natural gas industry offers some of the most exciting and lucrative career paths in the workforce…at virtually all levels of education! 20,000 STUDENTS in over 32 countries have engaged in PetroEd eLearning experiences. Since 2010 PetroEd has been contributing to EDUs and local community organizations to promote oil & natural gas education at all levels…and usually at no cost!
Multimedia eLearning materials resonate with today’s generation of visual learners. Complex subjects are communicated quickly and effectively through an intuitive user interface. PetroEd online learning is the very same programs that leading oilfield companies send their employees through.
Participating Institutions
- Colorado School of Mines
- University of Wyoming
- Seoul National University
- Texas A&M University at Qatar
- Prairie View A&M University
- ITSA: Colombia
- The University of Oklahoma
Community College
- Houston Community College
- San Jacinto College
High School
- 30 high schools in Texas
PetroEd® is approved by the Texas Education Agency to provide learning materials for Oil & Gas Production 1
Community & Social Welfare
- Texas Juvenile Justice Dept.
- Guyana Ministry of Education

Career and Technical Education for High Schools
Oil & Gas Production I
Oil & Gas Production 1 (OGP1) can be offered by high schools in Texas and can be taken by any grade 9-12 student. The eLearning content provided by PetroEd® has been approved by Texas State Board of Education. Fifty-five (55) media-rich modules can be used by students online to supplement the course.
The Oil & Gas sector can be very lucrative for skilled workers. With PetroEd you get a great understanding of how the industry works and it is the foundation that every student needs to enter the field.
Bobby Bruce Career and Technical Education Teacher, Spring ISD
CPE Accreditation
Why Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Credit matters?
Apart from the requirements set forth by Texas Education Agency (TEA) to be (and continue to be) certified as a teacher, Continuing Professional Education (CPE) brings real values to both new and experienced educators. Even if well prepared, new teachers often lack adequate support and confidence to influence the students to excel at the subject. Experienced teachers could miss out on keeping up-to-date with new technology tools and curriculum resources that could bring out the best learning outcomes from the students.