Specialized Work Procedures


This course teaches types of hazardous energy, lockout and tagout procedures, and different work permits. Also discussed are employee’s responsibilities when working in confined spaces, at heights, and while hoisting or lifting objects.

Included Modules
Specialized Procedures: Hazardous Energy

The Hazardous Energy module will cover different types of energy and how to control for hazardous energy. Students will be able to clearly define an energized versus a de-energized situation and how to proceed safely in these circumstances.

Specialized Procedures: Lockout Tagout

The Lockout/Tagout module provides an overview of definitions associated with energy isolation as well as an employee’s roles and responsibilities. Students will become familiar with how to properly place a lock or a tag in a lockout/tagout situation and also how to institute a group lockout with multiple workers for multiple situations.

Specialized Procedures: Work Permits

The Work Permit module will offer an overview of the different types of permits such as, confined space, hot work, critical lifts, and other types of permits for work on the rig. Students will also become familiar with their roles and responsibilities involved in there permit process.

Specialized Procedures: Confined Space

In this module students will be exposed to what constitutes a confined space and the hazards associated with working in these spaces. While working in a confined space there are particular responsibilities associated with various roles; this unit will illustrate correct procedures and proper training for employees based on industry standards.

Specialized Procedures: Heights

The Working at Heights module will introduce students to the importance of working at their level of training under these conditions as well as an overview of tasks and jobs completed at heights. The responsibility for preventing dropped objects and falls will be covered as well as the appropriate equipment necessary for safe practice.

Specialized Procedures: Hoisting and Lifting

The Hoisting and Lifting module will provide an overview of correct procedures and safe practices for hoisting equipment and materials so as to avoid personal injury.

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