

This course contains nine lessons designed for the training of electricians and electronic technicians as well as for the multi-craft training needs of process and manufacturing facilities. These lessons are designed for participants familiar with AC and DC theory, electrical safety, and electrical print reading. A basic understanding of electronic devices and circuits is recommended. The lessons in this course explain and demonstrate the use of both analog and digital oscilloscopes. Participants will learn the controls on each type of oscilloscope, how to use a probe with an oscilloscope, how to set up an oscilloscope, and how to determine various measurements taken with an oscilloscope.

Included Modules
Introduction to Oscilloscopes

The first lesson explains the purpose of oscilloscopes, introduces waveforms, and presents analog and digital oscilloscope systems using a flowchart.

The Display

The second lesson explains the functions of the display and display controls on an analog and digital oscilloscope. The lesson also explains how divisions are used.

Vertical System Controls

The third lesson explains the vertical system controls on analog and digital oscilloscopes.

Horizontal System Controls

The fourth lesson explains the horizontal system controls on analog and digital oscilloscopes.

The Trigger System

The fifth lesson explains the functions and controls of the trigger system on analog and digital oscilloscopes.


The sixth lesson explains the purpose and use of probes, and trains the participant to match the probe/scope combination to the application.


The seventh trains the participant to safely setup an oscilloscope for use, how to adjust the controls, and compensate the probe.


The eighth lesson teaches participants to recognize the various waveform types and how to analyze waveforms.


The final lesson teaches how to determine various measurements taken with an oscilloscope. Topics include voltage, Period and Frequency, Rise time, Pulse Width, and Phase Shift.

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